All forms of Reiki focus on the realigning of the bodies chakras using energy healing or frequency healing to assist in clearing energy blockages, enabling us to move past or forward with the things we want in our lives.
This frequency can come from crystals, the earth, or in the case of Angelic Reiki from higher frequencies (angelic frequencies) which the practitioner has been attuned to tap into and harness.
The practitioner then acts as a vessel or conduit to channel these frequencies into the client where they then realign the clients chakras.
What is Angelic Reiki?
What to expect from your session
Initial Welcome, Intention Setting and Angelic Card Pull
I carry out all my reiki sessions from my home, so you’ll feel nice and relaxed in a cosy living room and likely welcomed by my little helper (my 4 year old Cockapoo Poppy). If you have a fear of dogs or would prefer her to be in another room, please let me know.
Once you’re settled with a complementary hot drink, we start with a 1-2-1 chat about any issues, concerns or intentions you wish to set for the healing so we can focus the energy on achieving that.
We then pull a card from the Angelic Oracle deck. We will call on this particular Angel’s energy to help assist with the healing.
The Healing Process
I am a hands on reiki practitioner, however, consent is always paramount and this will be discussed prior to any treatment. The only items I may ask you to remove are any digital artefacts (smart watches, etc) jewellery (except wedding bands) and footwear.
Before the actual healing, I will take a baseline of your chakras using a crystal pendant to see if your chakras are open, closed or imbalanced. We can then compare the results to a second reading after the healing.
The lights will be set and the music will begin, at this point I simply ask you to close your eyes and relax.
I always start a healing at the head and then I may wander around the body, depending on where I’m being drawn to.
During the healing, you may experience visions, sounds, emotions, some people laugh, some cry, some experience absolutely nothing out of the ordinary. There is no wrong or right, everyone experiences reiki differently and exactly how they’re suppose to at that time.
Reflection and Re-integration
Once the healing is finished, I’ll ask you to stay put while I take another reading of your chakras so we can note any changes the healing has made. We then have a debrief to allow time for reflection and to discuss anything you may have experienced during your healing and answer any questions you may have.
The effects of the healing can continue for days, weeks, even months after.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me.
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